
Deux larges pans frontaux se chevauchent, assurant ainsi une double protection à l’avant. Fermeture Velcro avec boucle ou Ceinture Support Interne.

Nos modèles de vestes et jupes sont de loin le choix le plus populaire des professionnels de la santé qui pratiquent des interventions prolongées comme la cardiologie, la neurologie et l’urologie. La jupe permet une grande liberté de mouvement et la conception ergonomique des vestes réduit la fatigue et minimise l’inconfort au niveau du dos et des épaules.

  • Meilleure circulation de l’air
  • Revêtement souple permettant une flexibilité totale
  • Fabrication sur-mesure
  • Soutien au niveau du pan arrière pour un confort amélioré
  • Revêtement extérieur antibactérien

How to Measure

Please have a look at the above videos. You will be asked to input measurements below.

How to Measure

Customise Your Garment

  • If no name, please write N/A.

    Flex-DC is a specially formulated material unique to AmRay. Flex-DC gives the user a lightweight flexible material that is hard-wearing and durable. Its flexible properties afford the user complete comfort and ease of movement, avoiding unwelcome bulging from bending, sitting or leaning. A polyurethane coating provides an easy-clean surface to avoid staining and provides high standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    The Spangly material contains an additional coating to create an easy-clean surface resistant to staining. The Spangly material is hard-wearing, durable and its easy-clean surface promotes higher standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    Please select Nylon below.

    Please select material below.

    Please refer to the measurement guide and sizing chart above to select the size that best corresponds with your measurements.

    Please select the length you need the skirt to be. 

    Please choose from the options below.

    Support Belt
    AmRay designed support belt helps evenly distribute the weight around your waist.


    A monogram can be attached via velcro or stitched straight onto the garment.

    Please input what you want the monogram to say.

    Thyroid Collar

    AmRay offers Thyroid Collars that can be clipped on to your garment.

    Please select material below.

    Flex-DC is a specially formulated material unique to AmRay. Flex-DC gives the user a lightweight flexible material that is hard-wearing and durable. Its flexible properties afford the user complete comfort and ease of movement, avoiding unwelcome bulging from bending, sitting or leaning. A polyurethane coating provides an easy-clean surface to avoid staining and provides high standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    The Spangly material contains an additional coating to create an easy-clean surface resistant to staining. The Spangly material is hard-wearing, durable and its easy-clean surface promotes higher standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    Please select Nylon below.

    Please choose from the options below.

    Please select material below.

    Flex-DC is a specially formulated material unique to AmRay. Flex-DC gives the user a lightweight flexible material that is hard-wearing and durable. Its flexible properties afford the user complete comfort and ease of movement, avoiding unwelcome bulging from bending, sitting or leaning. A polyurethane coating provides an easy-clean surface to avoid staining and provides high standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    The Spangly material contains an additional coating to create an easy-clean surface resistant to staining. The Spangly material is hard-wearing, durable and its easy-clean surface promotes higher standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    Please select Nylon below.

    Please select material below.

    Flex-DC is a specially formulated material unique to AmRay. Flex-DC gives the user a lightweight flexible material that is hard-wearing and durable. Its flexible properties afford the user complete comfort and ease of movement, avoiding unwelcome bulging from bending, sitting or leaning. A polyurethane coating provides an easy-clean surface to avoid staining and provides high standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    The Spangly material contains an additional coating to create an easy-clean surface resistant to staining. The Spangly material is hard-wearing, durable and its easy-clean surface promotes higher standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    Please select Nylon below.

    Please select material below.

    Flex-DC is a specially formulated material unique to AmRay. Flex-DC gives the user a lightweight flexible material that is hard-wearing and durable. Its flexible properties afford the user complete comfort and ease of movement, avoiding unwelcome bulging from bending, sitting or leaning. A polyurethane coating provides an easy-clean surface to avoid staining and provides high standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    The Spangly material contains an additional coating to create an easy-clean surface resistant to staining. The Spangly material is hard-wearing, durable and its easy-clean surface promotes higher standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    Please select Nylon below.

    Please choose from the options below.

    Please select material below.

    Flex-DC is a specially formulated material unique to AmRay. Flex-DC gives the user a lightweight flexible material that is hard-wearing and durable. Its flexible properties afford the user complete comfort and ease of movement, avoiding unwelcome bulging from bending, sitting or leaning. A polyurethane coating provides an easy-clean surface to avoid staining and provides high standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    The Spangly material contains an additional coating to create an easy-clean surface resistant to staining. The Spangly material is hard-wearing, durable and its easy-clean surface promotes higher standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    Please select Nylon below.

    Please choose from the options below.

    Please select material below.

    Flex-DC is a specially formulated material unique to AmRay. Flex-DC gives the user a lightweight flexible material that is hard-wearing and durable. Its flexible properties afford the user complete comfort and ease of movement, avoiding unwelcome bulging from bending, sitting or leaning. A polyurethane coating provides an easy-clean surface to avoid staining and provides high standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    The Spangly material contains an additional coating to create an easy-clean surface resistant to staining. The Spangly material is hard-wearing, durable and its easy-clean surface promotes higher standards of hygiene. All aprons come with a soft nylon lining for added comfort.

    Please select Nylon below.

    Please select 'Add To Cart' below. The page will then refresh and you can add the details for the next employee, should you need to add another garment.